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Our mission & vision

Our goal here is to build us a community where folks know what's what and ain't afraid to speak up. It's all about havin' regular folks like you and me callin' the shots, makin' decisions that the majority of us can get behind.

Economic Growth

Attracting businesses/industries that will benefit all of Junction City/Geary County, creating better jobs and fostering positive economic growth and lowering taxes so individuals/families have more take-home pay. Work to help alleviate the burden of fixed income families by capping property taxes and increasing medical coverage. Reducing taxes by focusing on needs rather than wants, transparency, and accountibility.


Ensuring proper funding for our K-12 education system to provide the best education for our children, while ensuring have the life skills neccessary to have a prosperous and successful life.


Working on uniting Junction City and Geary County while maintaining a strong relationship with Fort Riley to ensure the welfare of our troops during and after their service.

About Shawn Chauncey

Born and raised in the Midwest, I've always believed in the power of community and service. Growing up on a ranch in South Dakota instilled in me the values of hard work, integrity, and resilience—values that have guided me throughout my life. For the past 27 years, I've proudly served as a builder in Geary County/Junction City area contributing to the growth and development of our community. I've been dedicated to making Geary County/Junction City a better place for all who call it home.

In addition to my professional work, I've been actively involved in supporting our youth through volunteering for sports and community events. I understand the importance of investing in our future generations and creating opportunities for them to thrive. Now, I'm excited to take my dedication to service to the next level by running for State House of Representatives. I'm committed to representing the interests of all Geary County/Junction City, fighting for policies that promote prosperity, fairness, and unity. Together, let's build a brighter future for our community.